Parenting Team Parenting Contributor
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Welcome to my blog. Here you’ll find my ramblings on parenting a typically developing child as well as one with complex medical needs. I’ll also share a bit about my journey as a medical cannabis activist in the state of Texas. And when I’m not writing about the above, there’s a good chance you’ll hear my thoughts on music or muddling my way through my 40s!



I am sometimes very loud and sometimes very quiet   I have a terrible poker face (or is it a wonderfully expressive face?)   I have been accused of making faces I am not aware I have made  I can sing in front of large numbers of people but freak out inside if you ask me to do it for just you    I can't stand those wooden spoons you get with Italian ices or scratching off that gray stuff on lottery tickets and the backs of gift cards  Vienna sausages and cottage cheese were my favorite foods to eat when I was very small   And macaroni and cheese   The kind my mother makes, not from the box    I tell my son to drink more water more times than I can count during the day, so often that I am certain because of this he chooses to not drink more water    This same logic applies to telling him to pick up after himself, get off the computer and start his homework    I always said red was my favorite color until a few years ago when I started considering blue   I sort of feel like I have betrayed red, but I'm getting over it    I wanted to be a Broadway star and a vet as a child    There's still time   I believe in ghosts and recently had one crawl into bed with me (ask me about it)    I'm the one you call on to pick up the vomit or the dog poo   I am a chronic user of moisturizer   I am starting to get Lana del Rey's music and I am unsure whether that is a good thing   I am gifted at making side dishes but prefer it if you grill the meat    I need a pedicure, a massage and a facial and to ride my horse and get my boots dirty   I am afraid of my children dying   I am your most loyal friend  Sometimes I mess that up  I am sorry   I don't like being too cold  I don't like being too hot   I have two cowlicks   I think the word cowlick is hilarious    I still think Tom Selleck and John Taylor are two of the best looking celebrities around  (don't tell Rick Springfield that he finally got bumped from the list)    I can still remember how happy I felt when my Dad would take just me to a movie and lunch    Or when you sat on my porch and we talked for hours over a good bottle of wine   Music affects everything   I am trying to not have a Pavlovian response to my phone dinging when I receive a text   I need more sleep  I need more exercise    I am trying.


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