Parenting Team Parenting Contributor
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Welcome to my blog. Here you’ll find my ramblings on parenting a typically developing child as well as one with complex medical needs. I’ll also share a bit about my journey as a medical cannabis activist in the state of Texas. And when I’m not writing about the above, there’s a good chance you’ll hear my thoughts on music or muddling my way through my 40s!

Gratitude Wednesday

Gratitude Wednesday

It is so easy for us to focus on the things that are going wrong in our lives.  I know I often find myself stuck, replaying the things that I am unhappy with, rather than shifting my thoughts to the things that are going right.  (and there are many!)

It is true that it takes practice to live life in the way you desire.  My two words to help me live the life I want in 2018--as trendy as they sound--are 'BRAVERY' and 'JOY.' This blog is a big step in my path toward being brave enough to live the life I want. My hope is that if I'm brave enough to do that, the joy will follow! (makes sense, right?!)

But I know that I can't be brave or have joy if I don't start with practicing gratitude.  When I lived in the Bay Area I went to a restaurant called 'Cafe Gratitude.' The idea at the time was that all of the menu items were named with positive affirmations, Stuart Smalley style. (maybe it's not quite the right time to be using an Al Franken SNL character as my reference here, but you get the point)   I rolled my eyes and nervously laughed when the waiter gently corrected my order for a green smoothie with "you mean you'd like the 'I am woke' smoothie."  (I may have fudged a little on the name of that smoothie.  It was many years ago and apparently they've changed their menu since then because there were other assholes like me who rolled their eyes)  And so, I'm going to start a weekly list of the things I am grateful for, big and small.  It's all about making a shift in the right direction!

Here are a few things I'm grateful for this week, in no particular order:

1.  Caring teachers who call to alert me that a stomach bug is going around the special education classroom.  Dear God, we do not need diarrhea in our house this week. I've already got one kid home with strep and a vomiting, senior-aged dog. 

2.  Instacart. Because I needed to go grocery shopping today and now can't because the kids are home. (and also, because everyone in Texas is apparently sick, and eww--shopping cart handles)

3. Sunshine. Because it has been cold and dreary around these parts and we Texans don't do well in that kind of nonsense.

4.  Anti-nausea medications. (see #1 )

5. Renewed friendships. My college best friend and I lost our way with each other for a few years, but we are back on track and visit when she comes to town for business.  I get to see her tonight and that makes my heart happy!

What are you grateful for today? Comment below and let me know! 


Keeping Your Own Counsel

Keeping Your Own Counsel

Compassionate Cultivation: CBD Medicine is Finally Here in Texas!

Compassionate Cultivation: CBD Medicine is Finally Here in Texas!

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